B Corp Certification

The Legacy Foundation is proud to announce that we are a Certified B Corporation TM!

B Lab, a third-party global nonprofit organization, issues B Corp certifications to companies who’ve demonstrated high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

At The Legacy Foundation, we have made these core tenets of our business and investing philosophy. We believe the inclusion of factors related to sustainable and responsible investing is necessary for a complete understanding of each investment’s risk and opportunity. By integrating these ESG factors into our investment decision-making process, we believe we can help mitigate risk and add long-term value to an investment portfolio. We believe this holistic approach to assessing risk and opportunity enhances our investment process.

You can view and learn more about our score here.


Pillars of B Corp Certification

B Corp certification rests on five pillars: governance, workers, community, customers, and environment. These pillars assess a company’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility, transparency, and accountability across its operations.

The Certification Process

  • Achieve high social and environmental performance by obtaining a B Impact Assessment score of 80 or higher and successfully completing a risk review.
  • Making a commitment through their corporate governance structure to be accountable to all stakeholders.
  • Ensure transparency by making information about their performance, as measured against B Lab’s standards, publicly available on their B Corp profile on B Lab’s website.

    Reach Us

    1415 Rolkin Court
    Suite 204
    Charlottesville VA 22911


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