Capital Needs Analysis
GET IN TOUCHOne of the most important tools we have created in house for our clients’ assessment of retirement income needs is the Capital Needs Analysis. We have customized this tool to address specific retirement income scenarios which are paramount in understanding the income expectations, tax consequences, inflation and expected rate of return. We realize that longevity presents new challenges in the preservation of capital and we want to be pro-active in our ability to make portfolio changes during economic and market changes that will undoubtedly occur during retirement.
One of the important factors to be considered at retirement is whether you should take your social security at full retirement age or defer the payments until a later date due to the current 8% increase each year. The Capital Needs Analysis helps determine the best solution in making these decisions.
Being able to revisit your CNA when either your personal situation changes or other factors impact the outcome of your financial status is part of our annual account review.

Reach Us
1415 Rolkin Court
Suite 204
Charlottesville VA 22911